DataLogger by InstaHub
What is a DataLogger?
InstaHub’s DataLogger is an electronic device that records data such as temperature, humidity, lighting level and space occupancy over time and provides it to you on a simple visualization platform (to allow for room data comparison, averages, and building statistics. It is easy to place and its plug in feature means no rewiring!

Features of InstaHub’s DataLogger
Users can set thresholds for alerts for any 4 of the data points overtime
Simple user experience
Users can download/email data in an excel file format
User can share data to another user for a base model and even have additional users for a fixed price.
Heat-map visualization of activity level per floor plan. Users will get analytics (e.g. Room 10 has been occupied for 90% of the time on Monday and Wednesday between 6AM-7PM [Data-points: 9/2/19 - 3/2/20 (6 months)]
Additionally, with its Low startup cost/effort and limited maintenance (not battery powered) it can help you analyze usage and convert that to savings without hassle!!
Works in spaces up to 600 square feet.
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How It Works
Data loggers are electronic devices which automatically monitor and record environmental parameters over time, allowing conditions to be measured, documented, analyzed and validated. ... Then the information stored in the data logger is transferred to a computer for analysis.
Data loggers are required for a multitude of reasons, frequently to ensure compliance with industry specific regulations, and quality and environmental control procedures. They also help to save costs through energy efficiency/environmental management or reducing wastage of non- compliant or damaged goods.
Upon activation, data loggers are typically deployed and left unattended to measure and record information for the duration of the monitoring period. This allows for a comprehensive, accurate picture of the being monitored, such as air temperature and relative humidity.