InstaHub focuses on the two major problems with lighting: its overuse and lack of accessible automation. By bridging the gap between environmentally-minded individuals and high-quality technology, we can create a greener future and save you money. Seems like a win-win? Welcome to InstaHub: where scalable automation meets simplicity and sustainability. We can offer you a realistic way to effortlessly implement responsible technology without all the bells and whistles.
Michael Wong
Chief Executive Officer
InstaHub represents not only my dreams of becoming a successful serial social entrepreneur, but my dedication towards a greener, cleaner future. Beyond the scope of product innovations, I truly believe that for-profit companies should be working to create sustainable products for all to benefit from.
Dayo Adewole
Chief Technology Officer
I chose to join Michael due to his passion for his work and dedication to environmental stewardship. As a company focused on simple sustainability, our lighting automation device makes a means of energy waste reduction available to everyone.

The Story
One particular spring night, Michael was walking through Penn’s campus. Nothing unusual in sight--just the faint chirp of cicadas and murmurs of a few pedestrians. What caught his eye, however, was neither the brick pavement nor the crescent moon, but the lights. It seemed that every building, despite it being well past class hours, was fully lit within. Michael thought to himself, “How can we be wasting so much?” And thus, the first seed was sown.